Over the last couple of years while using Linux, I've slowly become better at what could loosely be described as "hacking".
Now DON'T PANIC! - don't get me wrong - I'm not some Linux guru who can cut perl code with my toes blindfolded...just somebody who sometimes at a very low level likes taking someone else's code & modifying it for my own needs. Sometimes I might even improve on the original! *cough*.
I mainly focus on stuff that is Palm related, mainly trying to integrate some of the command line tools available for Linux->Palm connectivity with some well known Linux applications.
Connecting Sony Ericsson T610 via bluetooth to Linux box
With my USB bluetooth dongle from Dick Smith I wanted to try & connect my Sony Ericsson T610 phone to grab piccies off it etc. It ended up being incredibly easy!
I'm using Ubuntu for this. Make sure that BlueZ is installed.
First of all you need to find the ID of your bluetooth enabled phone, and what channel it is on. Run this command:
sdptool search OPUSH
This retrieves a bunch of information that looks remarkably similar to this:
Inquiring ...
Searching for OPUSH on 00:0A:D9:7A:2A:B8 ...
Service Name: OBEX Object Push
Service RecHandle: 0x10005
Service Class ID List:
"OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 10
"OBEX" (0x0008)
Profile Descriptor List:
"OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Version: 0x0100
The only 2 things that should really interest you out of that bunch of gobbly-gook are the '00:0A:D9:7A:2A:B8' & the 'Channel: 10'.
To now query your phone with this information, run this command which lists out all the folders on your phone:
obexftp -b 00:0A:D9:7A:2A:B8 -B 10 -l
The output of that might look (depending on the phone) something like this:
Browsing 00:0A:D9:7A:2A:B8 ...
Channel: 7
Receiving "(null)"...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE folder-listing SYSTEM "obex-folder-listing.dtd">
Generated by XML Coder.
xml_coder.c (Jun 27 2003 21:12:09)
(C) 2001 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Lund, Sweden
<folder-listing version="1.0">
<folder name="Pictures"/>
<folder name="Sounds"/>
<folder name="Themes"/>
You see from one of the folders is called "Pictures". If I had a piccie on it called "me.jpg", I could grab it & copy it to my Linux box by typing:
obexftp -b 00:0A:D9:7A:2A:B8 -B 10 -g Pictures/me.jpg
Viola! You will have "me.jpg" on your desktop! At some stage you have to "pair" the devices up. I found it useful to be logged in Gnome at this point as it has a graphical bluetooth keyring tool.
Have fun!
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Thats all folks at the moment! If I come up with anything else I'II post it here.